Be a planethelper and change your of traffic behaviour to directly reduce CO2 emissions:
- Reduce using your car: Start carpooling
- Prefer public transportation, bike or walk, if you have the chance
- If you have to use your car, plan your trip and combine your destinations
- Turn-off your motor if you stand still for a while
- Drive ecofriendly, no racing speed
Be a planethelper and reduce energy sourced from high emission power plants.
- Change your heating behaviour: Reduce temperature at night, turn of the heat if window is open
- Select an ecofriendly power provider, supporting sustainable ressources (wind, solar energy, etc.)
- In elections: Vote for parties who support sustainable energy industires
- Isolate your house, to prevent heat from floating out
- Use low power consumption light bulbs
- Turn off the light if you don’t need light
Be a planethelper and reduce resources by controlling your consumer behaviour.
Why? Because everyhting you buy or own is made by an industrie which ultimately increases emissions through normal businesses.
- Start recycling
- Buy regional products to reduce food transportation emissions
- Buy fruits and vegetables during their natural season. See a seasons table here. If you buy fruits and vegetables, which are grown out of their natural season, it costs a lot of energy and ressources which ultimately increase the emissions and thereof global warming.
- Dispose toxic waste only at special waste receiving stations
(More to come soon)
Scroll down and get inspired how you can start to help!